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I'm Determined MOVE Summit
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  • 2021 CRAAG Housing, Supports and Services Survey

    CRAAG's mission is to raise awareness and enhance the quality of life for people with autism, developmental disabilities, and their families in Charlottesville City, Albemarle, Greene, Fluvanna, Louisa and Nelson counties. Our target audience is students transitioning out of high school, adults throughout the lifespan, and their families.

    CRAAG created this survey in hopes of expanding housing, supports and services for adults with autism and other developmental disabilities. We will publish a report of our survey findings. The purpose is twofold: 1) to learn as much as possible about individual needs, hopes, and concerns ; and  2) to assess interest in networking with others who have similar needs. If there is enough interest in networking with other self-advocates and families through CRAAG, we feel confident that we can make tangible progress on the housing, supports and services available in our community. The survey should take between 6 - 15 minutes.

    Questions? Please email Thanks for taking the time to complete our survey!