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    According to Collegeboard as of March 20th in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, ALL AP exams will be moved from face-to-face to an at-home online exam. Every exam will be a 45-minute free-response exam. There will be 2 different dates on when you can complete the exam which Collegeboard will release on April 3rd. Again, there will be NO face-to-face AP exam for the academic year of 2019-2020.
    AP Art Studio Students: Your portfolio will be submitted digitally only. Below is a screenshot that Collegeboard has shared regarding the deadlines.
    Collegeboard has assured that colleges will still honor the college credit for passing AP scores. If you are not sure what score you need to have in order to receive college credit, you can visit their website. Below is the link to their search engine that will pull each individual college and what score they will accept for college credit for each individual exam.
    If you choose that you no longer wish to be registered for an exam Collegeboard will not charge you fees with cancelling an exam.
    Here is the link with further information regarding their announcements on COVID-19: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/about-ap/news-changes/coronavirus-update
    Please if you have any questions regarding the AP exams, reach out to Ms. Snowden. Her email is tsnowden@greenecountyschools.com.